Ingrossed Bill for rebuilding the Stadt House
Read and indorsed Decem. the 9th 1704.
Read & assented to by the House of Delegates.
W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
Ingrossed Bill suspending the Prosecution of Jesuits &ta
Indorsed p Order Dec. 9th 1704. Read and assented to by
the House of Delegates. W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
Ingrossed Bill for erecting Ann Arundel & Oxford Towns
into Ports &cta
Ordered to be indorsed December the 9th 1704 Read and
assented to by the House of Delegates
W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
Ingrossed Bill declaring the Act for sanctifying & keeping
Holy the Lords Day &ta to be in force. Indorsed p Order
December the 9th 1704 Read & assented to by the House of
Delegates W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.
Ordered That Mr William Watts & Mr Peter Watts carry
up the aforegoing Bills to the Honble Council.
The Petition of Charles Kilbourn lately publick Gunner
praying an Allowance for three Years Salary for the Office ;
was here read and ordered it be considered of next Assembly.
Moved by the Members of Ann Arundel County that foras-
much as the Stadt House is unhappily burnt so that they are
destitute of a Place to hold County Courts in therefore on
behalf of the County they humbly pray they may have Liberty
to hold Courts in the House where the Provincial Courts are
ordered to be held. Which was readily granted by this House.
The Petition of Thomas Bardley complaining against the
present Sheriff of Ann Arundel County was here read and
debated. The House thereupon referred the Petitioner to the
Law for Relief.
Resolved That the Bill for suspending Prosecution of Jesuits
&ta And the Bill for Division of St Paul's Pariah arc private
Bills and that Fees be paid as follows Viz.
The Bill for suspending Prosecution of Jesuits &ta
To the Honble Speaker for his Fees £ 5 ... —
To William Taylard Clerk of this House. 2 ..10