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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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408 Assembly Proceedings, Dec. 5-9, 1 704.

Lib. 41.

Colo William Holland & James Sanders Esqrs enters the
House & delivers the following Bills.
Bill for rebuilding the Stadt House.
Bill suspending the Prosecution of Jesuits &ta
Bill declaring the Act Entituled an Act erecting Ann Arun-
del & Oxford Towns into Ports &ta
Bill declaring the Act for punishing Persons suborning
Witnesses &ta to be in force.
Bill declaring an Act Entituled an Act concerning Indians
to be in force. And the Bill declaring an Act Entituled an
Act for sanctifying & keeping Holy the Lords Day &ta In-
dorsed Eodem Die
Read the first & second Times in Council & do pass
W Bladen Cl. Council.

And likewise the following ingrossed Bills viz.
Ingrossed Bill for Division of Saint Paul's Parish &cta
And Ingrossed Bill declaring an Act Entituled an Act ascer-
taining the Bounds of Land to be in force.
Both indorsed December the 9th 1704.
Read and assented to by her Majesty's Honble Council.
W Bladen Cl. Council.

This House being informed by their Clerk that duplicate
Transcripts of the Journals are to be transcribed at his
Charge and forasmuch as there has been one long Assembly
this Year together with this present Sessions that has engaged
him in extraordinary Services for the Public beside what has
been allowed him before this Session it is ordered that he be
allowed three thousand Pounds of Tobacco more.
Put to the Question whether an additional Duty of 6d p
Hhd. shall be raised towards the Charge of rebuilding the
Stadt House or not ? Carried of Majority of Votes that such
a Duty be raised for that Use. And ordered that the Com-
mittee of Laws bring in a Bill for that Purpose.
The House adjourned till two o'Clock in the Afternoon.

Post Meridiem. The House met again according to Ad-
journment. Being called over were present as in the
The following ingrossed Bills brought into the House and
ordered to be read viz.
Ingrossed Bill declaring the Act for Punishment of psons
suborning witnesses. Indorsed p Order December the 9th
1704. Read & assented to by the House of Delegates
W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 408   View pdf image (33K)
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