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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 407

Bill declaring an Act Entituled an Act concerning Indians to
be in force Read & ordered to be thus indorsed. Read the
first & second Times & do pass
W. Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

Bill declaring an Act Entituled an Act for sanctifying &
keeping Holy the Lord Day commonly called Sunday &ta
Ordered it be read & indorsed. Read the first and second
Times & do pass. W Taylard Cl. Ho. Del.

The two above ingrossed Bills and the other aforegoing
following Bills were sent up to the Council p Mr John Jones &
Mr Joseph Gray.
They return & say they deliver the same.
Colo William Holland from the Council enters the House &
acquaints Mr Speaker that his Excellency will take Care to
call in the Rangers.
And likewise delivered the Bill for rebuilding the Stadt
House indorsed Read with the Amendments and do pass for
ingrossing. And the Bill Suspending the Prosecution of Priests
& Jesuits &ta Indorsed December the 9th 1704. Read the second
Time in Council & do pass.
W Bladen Cl. Council.

Both ordered to be ingrossed.

The Journal of the Committee of Accounts being read in
the House Ordd Mr King carry the same up to the Council for
their Assent.
Mr King returns and says he delivered the same,
The Petition of Colo John Good Read, wherein prays an
Allowance for Imprisonment Fees of two Criminals when
Ordered the Consideration thereof be referred till next
Ordered That an Indian called Robin be allowed five
Pound Sterling for his Service done the Country and that
it be lodged for him in the Hands of Colo Smallwood.
Ordered That Colo Smallwood be allowed ten Pounds
Sterling for his late Service done the Country.
Whereas William Taylard Clerk of the House have sev-
eral former years allowed his Salary in remote Counties on
the Eastern Shore therefore now upon his humble Petition it
is ordered that the same shall be allowed & paid him for the
future on the Western Shore unless paid in Money & for
some other extraordinary Service he be advanced & allowed
more 1200lb Tobacco a Journal.

Lib. 41.
P. 17

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 407   View pdf image (33K)
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