40 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1 704.
the produce of the said Prize he giving good Security to re-
fund the same
Mr Wells and Mr Skinners brought up the petition of Mr
Joseph Holt to the House praying them to intercede with his
Excy to restore him to his Benefice to which the following
answer was sent back by Robert Smith Esq. and Col John
Hammond Viz.
By her Majestics honble Council in Assembly
September the 9th. 1704.
Mr Joseph Holt's Petition with your Endorsement wherein
we perceive upon his Importunity your Commiseration (not
being fully acquainted with his Enormous life and Conversa-
tion) has induced you to give him more Credit than he can
any ways pretend to, much less deserve, and so be Content
to apply for his Restoration, has been read at this Board, and
we acquaint you that altho his Excy is very willing to gratify
the house in anything they can request yet we cannot be
Content to advise his Excy to restore a person who has had
so many warnings and yet notwithstanding his many Solemn
Promises and assurances has so much scandalized his Func-
tion and prejudiced the Service of the church
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Coun:
Col Dorsey and four other members bring from the house
the house's answer to his Excellencies Speech as follows viz.
To his Excellency the Governour.
The reason we did not sooner give answer to your Excys
Speech was because we were desirous to have as full an house
as could be had on so solemn occasion
We have received and carefully debated the Contents
thereof and as we are well assured of her Majesty our graci-
ous Queen's Goodness and Virtue in her unwearied Care and
Protection of all her Subjects and the wise Constitution of her
Governmt so we Esteem ourselves very happy in a Governour
that imitates so glorious an Example for we cannot but
observe thro' your plain Elegant Discourse a generous English
Zeal for her MajesttiesService Joyned with a tender regard to
the Welfare of this Province, And we do (and believe ever
shall) Esteem ourselves Easy and Safe under your wise and
just Administration and pray for your Continuance