398 Assembly Proceedings, Dec. 5-9, 1704.
Lib. 41.
p. 9
Both which Messages were sent up to the Honble Council
by Mr John Taylor Mr John Wells & Mr Francis Dellahide.
They return & say they delivered their Message.
James Sanders Esqr from the Hofible Council enters the
House and delivers Mr Speaker the foregoing Ordinance
upon the Lease of Colo Dorsey's House, indorsed thus Viz.
Eodem Die Assented to by her Majesty's Hofible Council
provided the Public be not obliged to any Repairs of the said
House. Signed p Order W Bladen Clk. Council.
Original delivered Colo Dorsey
John Hammond & William Coursey Esqrs from the Hofible
Council enters the House & delivers Mr Speaker some Letters
and other Papers relating to the Indians Affairs. Ordered
the Consideration thereof be referred till to Morrow.
The House adjourned till two o'Clock in the Afternoon.
Post Meridiem
The House met again according to Adjournment, being all
called over were all present as in the Morning.
Ordered by the House that Mr Samuel Young provide
Nails, Plank & Scantling for erecting & setting up the Pews
in St Ann's Church, Annapolis for the Burgesses of the As-
sembly and that he will provide all other Materials for finishing
the same and that he see the same sufficiently completed.
This House resolved he be paid out of the publick Stock if
his Excellency & Council please to concur therewith. And
ordered an Ordinance be prepared & sent up for that Purpose.
Ordered the following Message be entered & sent up to
his Excellency & Council Viz.
By the House of Delegates Decr 7th 1704.
May it please your Excellency,
Your sending for those Bills to the late Speaker's House in
Charles County which you communicated to this House and
the transcribing of them we acknowledge have been very
advantageous to the Dispatch of Affairs in this House We
highly applaud your Care & Prudence therein and return
your Excy our most hearty Thanks for the same
Signed p Order W. Taylard Clk. Ho. Del.
Sent up to his Excellency & Council p Colo Smithson, Mr
Muschamp Colo Smallwood Mr Tyler, Mr Jones, Colo Max-
well, Mr Frisby, Mr Ennalls, & Mr John Jones.