382 Assembly Proceedings , Dec. 5-9, 1704.
Came Mr Macklaster and Mr Magrooder with two Bills the
one Declaring the Act ascertayning the Bounds of Lands to
be in force the other for Suspending the Prosecution of
Popish Priests upon the late Act of Assembly &c.
Mr Dollahyde and Mr How from the House bring as fol-
By the House of Del Decr 8th. 1 704
This House having considered Your Honours Message p
Thomas Brooke Esqr and two other Members of the Honble
Councill relating to the Bill obliging Mars of Shipps to publish
their Freight. The House thinks the Law to be well enough
worded; but the Intention of the House was that it should be a
Temporary Law, but that they find it to be indefinite, And there-
fore they pray the Concurrence of his Exncy and her Matys
honble Councill that the law be made temporary
And as to the Bill for laying the Duty of gd p Gallo The
house having read and considered the Law they find it to be
Sufficient enough for the purpose to which it was made, It
having appointed a Sufficient Officer for receiving the Impost.
Signed p Ordr W Taylard Cl House Del.
The Board adjournd untill 8 of the Clock to morrow morning
Saturday December 9th 1704
The Councill Sate present.
Thomas Tench Lt Col Holland!
The Honble Mr Smith Mr Sanders
Col Hamond Mr Cheseldyne
& Mr Coursey
Colonel Hamond sent to the House with the Bill for Sus-
pending the Prosecution of Popish Priests &c.
Came Mr Collier and brought with him Capt Edwd Ratch-
dale of the Ship Elizabeth of Leverpoole The Said Capt Ratch-
dale being called in was Cautioned by his Exncy that He should
not presume to Sayle without his Leave or Lett pass, But is
told that when any Convoy arives at New England New York
or Virginia upon his giving Sufficient Bond to joyne them He
will have leave to go with them.
Ordered that the severall Navall Officers do not cleare any
Shipps which have not his Exncys Lett pass especially during
the prsent Warr.
Came Mr Hudson and Mr Hays and brought from the House
as followeth, vizt.