loose for every such Offence the treble value of the mony
Tobacco Wares Merchandizes or other things so lent bargain'd
sold exchang'd and shifted as aforesaid The one half of the
said ffine and fforfeiture to our sovereign Lady the Queen
her heires and Successors for the Support of this Govern-
ment the other half to him or them that shall sue far the same
to be recovered in any Court of Record of this Province by
Accon of Debt bill plaint of Information wherein no Essoyn
protection or wager of law to be allowed.
Septr 21st 1704 September 21st 1704
Read and Assented to by the Read and Assented to by her
house of Delegates. Matys honble Councill
W Taylard Clk hD W Bladen Cl Concil.
Maryland October 3d 1704
On the behalf of her Maty &c I will this be a Law.
Jo: Seymour
An Act ascertaining the Expences of the Councellors Dele-
gates of Assembly and Comissioners of the Provincial and
County Courts of this Province
For the ascertaining limitting and allowing unto the seve-
rall and respective Councellors Deputys and Delegates that
serve or shall serve in the Generall Assemblys of this Province
and of the severall and respective Comissioners of the Pro-
vincial and County Courts of this Province such Sum and
bums of Tobacco as is hereby thought necessary and Sufficient
for their Defraying their Charges in attending such Assem-
blys & Courts.
Be it enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Maties Govr Councill and
Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same that
all such Councillors be allowed the Sume of one hundred and