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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 35

Post Meridiem the Council Sate Present as before

Mr King Col Barton Col Thomas Frisby Mr Hill and Capt
William Watts come with Col Thomas Srnithson late Speaker
of the House of Delegates and Mr William Stone to see them
sworn which they were accordingly, And his Excy and the
Board desired the members of the house to return them
Thanks for sending so many members with so worthy a pson
that has deserved so well of the Publick
His Excy desires the members of this Board to give him
to morrow at nine of the Clock in writing what they have to
propose for her Majesties Service, or the Interest and ad-
vancemt of the Province
Mr King and Mr Foulke come from the house to desire the
Lord Baltimores objections to the Land Law and the Law for
limitting the Time for paymt of obligations
Ordered the said Papers to be laid before the House & are
accordingly sent by Col Jenkins
Came Mr William Stone from the house with the following
ordinance viz'


By the House of Delegates Sepr 7th 1704.

Whereas this House oftentimes do find it very difficult to
get Paper and Parchmt for Supply of the publick Business
therefore thought fit and 'tis resolved by the House that Mr
Samuel Young Treasurer of the Western Shoar send for a
Quantity of Paper and Parchmt out of England that is to Say
the value of Six pounds Sterl. in parchment and four pounds
in Paper for the publick use for which the said Mr Samuel
Young shall be allowed

To which this House humbly prays the Concurrence of the
honble Council.

Signed p order W Taylard Cl Ho Del.

Which ordinance was assented to by her Majesties honble
Council and sent to the House by Lieut Col William Holland

The Board adjourned to Eight of the Clock to morrow

Fryday September the 8th 1704.
The Council Sate Present as yesterday

Mr Muschamp and Mr Beal come from the house to desire
the Pensilvania Case stated about the bounds of this Province
and Pensilvania which was given the said Gentlemen


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 35   View pdf image (33K)
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