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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
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34 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.


of Abjuration the which he Subscribed with the Test and then
took his place at the Board.
Mr Robert Gouldsborough Mr Thomas Frisby Mr James
Philips and Mr John Wells bring from the House of Delegates

By the House of Delegates Sepr 7th 1704.

In answer to a Message Sent to this House from his Excy
the Governour and the honble Council by Thomas Tench and
Robert Smith Esqrs Yesterday The House ordered that the
Thanks of this House be given to his Excellency for his kind
Expression of a tender regard he hath of the Liberties and
Priviledges of the members of this house expressed in the
said Message and they do humbly hope that his Excellency
will be pleased so continue the Same

Signed p order W Taylard Cl Ho. Del.

Came Lieutt Col Smallwood and presented Mr Gerard
Foulke a Delegate for Charles County to whom were admin-
istred the oaths appointed to be taken instead of the Oaths of
Allegiance and Supremacy as also the Oath of Abjuration the
which he Subscribed with the Test. The same Col Small-
wood brought with him the following Message.

By the House of Delegates Sepr 6th 1704

Upon reading and debating the Laws this house Nemine
Contradicente resolve it is absolutely necessary that the whole
body of the Laws be Revised and that it be now done accord-

If therefore your Excellency and Council have any Thing
to offer on this Subject the House is ready to receive it

Signed p order W Taylard Cl ho Del

Lieutt Col William Barton with five other Members bring
from the House a bill for regulating ordinarys

Mr Greenfield and Mr Young present to this Board the
Members chosen to Serve for Somersett County Vizt Mr
Joseph Gray Mr John Waters Mr John Jones and Mr John
Macclaster who after they had the usual and appointed oaths
administred to them and they had Subscribed the Oath of
Abjuration and Test withdrew

The Council adjourns till the Afternoon


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 34   View pdf image (33K)
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