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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 33

Mr Joseph Holt appeared before the Board and his Excy is
pleased to ask him if he had made publick his Excys order for
restoring him to his Function. To which he answered he had
not shewn it to every body, but Some who desired had seen
it and that he fully designed to have had it entered at the
first regular Vestry but to Speak Truth it was out of his
Ordered that Esqr Tench Col Addison Mr Smith Col Lloyd
and Col Ennalls hear Mr Holt and the Complaint against him
and report the Same to his Excy
The Board adjourns till nine of the clock to Morrow Morning


Thursday September the 7th 1704
The Council Sate Present as Yesterday

Upon reading the following report of the Members of this
Board appointed last night to Examine the Complaint against
Mr Holt as follows viz

Sept 7th 1704

In obedience to your Excys Command we have heard M
Joseph Holt Minister of William and Mary Parish in Saint
Maries County and the Complaint of the Vestry of that Par-
ish against him and we humbly Report to your Excy that upon
hearing the whole matter we are of opinion that he hath so
misbehaved himself since your Excyl Clemency upon his last
Submission that he is not a person fitting to be further con-
tinued in the Ministerial function in that Parish or Else where
which we humbly Submitt to your Excellencies better Judg-

Thomas Tench Robert Smith

John Addison Edward Lloyd Thomas Ennalls

Resolved the said Mr Holt be Suspended ab officio et Bene-
ficio within this Province

And ordered the sd Mr Holt be called in and told so

Ordered the sd Mr Holt be paid the forty pounds of To-
bacco p poll to this very Day being the Seventh of September

His Excellency the Governour and the Board desire the
honble Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr to take Care of the Glebe
and Secure the Library of that Parish

Came Col Francis Jenkins a member of this Board Who
had the Oaths appointed to be taken instead of the oaths of
Allegiance and Supremacy administred to him and the Oath


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 33   View pdf image (33K)
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