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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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32 Assembly Proceedings, Sept 5-Oct. 3, 1704.


Edward Milliard Church Warden of the same Parish who was
lately snmmoned to appear at this Board to answer the said
Minister's Complaint for Locking him out of the Parish
Church of Saint George's are now attending
Ordered that they be called in With their evidences, but
his Excy being informed that the said Church Warden relyed
upon the Testimony of Some Gentlemen of that Parish and
County now sitting in the House of Delegates he was pleased
to Say he would not Send for any such particular members
without the Consent of the House after which his Excy was
informed that three of the members of the same House of
Delegates were coming to the Council Board but being met
and asked by the Clerk of the Council upon what occasion
they replyed that the House was informed that his Excy had
sent for them whereupon the said clerk assured them it was a
mistake and desired they would acquaint the House upon
which they went back and his Excy being told that this mis-
take had happen thro the said Edward Hilliard' s inadvertent
folly His Excey is pleased tn say he is not so Satisfyed for that
he rather believes he made use of his name and therefore de-
sired the Advice of the Board what apprehensions they have of
this Action of the sd Edward Hilliard and how he should be
dealt with on this occasion
The Gentn of this Board say the said Edward Hilliard did
an indignity to this Board in presuming to carry such a
Mr Cheseldyn says he is of opinion he did it ignorantly.
Edwd Hilliard being called in is Severely reprimanded and
confessing what he did was unadvisely humbly begged pardon
Mr Tench and Mr Smith are sent to the House with the
following Message.

Whereas his Excy is informed that one Edwd Hilliard had
without any authority from his Excy or this Board made use
of his Excys name to require three of the Honses members to
come before his Excy the Governour and Council, Gent. We
do assure you that the said Edward Hilliard did the Same of
his own head and that his Excy the Governor and this Board
did not ever in the least give any such Directions but will
always be very tender of the Rights and Priviledges of this
House of Delegates and therefore take this occasion to pre-
vent any misapprehensions
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Council

The said Mr Tench and Mr Smith return and say they have
delivered the Message.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, September, 1704-April, 1706
Volume 26, Page 32   View pdf image (33K)
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