An Act for the Ordering and regulating the Militia of this
Province for the better Defence and Security thereof.
Be it Enacted by the Queens most excellent Majesty by and
with the Advice and Consent of her Majestys Governour
Councill and Assembly of this Province And the Authority of
the same That from and after the end of this Sessions of
Assembly the Militia of this Province shall be Mustered train'd
and exercised according to these Instructions and directing
following (that every Colonell Major or Captain of ffoot
allready comissionated or hereafter to be Comissionated by his
Excellency the Governour of this Province for the time being
shall have power to enlist such and so many Inhabitants
within this Province not hereafter Excepted in their Severall
and respective Divisions between sixteen and sixty years of
age as they shall think fitt by as equall proportions of the
Sayd Inhabitants and possibly they came to be of the Militia
or Train bands of this Province which said persons so enlisted
they shall exercise Muster and traine in and at such places and
at such certain times as to them shall seem meet or the service
safety or Defence of this Province shall require or as his
Excellency the Governor of this Province for the time being
shall see cause to Order And that every such Colonell Major
or Captaine shall give Notice or Sumons upon every Training
or Mustering to every person so enlisted as aforesaid within
his respective Division or Limitt at the head of his Company
or at the house of the party by an Officer of his Company or
Warrant under his hand to appear at such time and place as
he shall appoint for such training or mustering and that if any
man after such Notice given and Sumons as aforesaid shall
neglect to appear at the time and place appointed, as aforesaid
or that shall refuse when he hath so appeared to be enlisted
into the Militia and train band aforesaid or that being so
enlisted shall from time to time as he shall be Sumond or
warnd as aforesaid to appear and bring with him one good
Serviceable Gunn fix'd with six shotts of powder shall for