The Aboue Message by Coll Hamond & Coll Lloyd read
and debated Resolvd it be Answerd by the following Mes-
sage viz'
By the house of Delegates October 3d 1 704
Wee haue read and debated Your honors message and are
Sorry you are pleasd to be so tart upon us for doeing what
wee Conceive to be our duty to our Countrey And it is our
right and privileidge Wee humbly suppose to debate and con-
sider of any publiq tax upon the people as this of Sealing the
laws And duplicates is And wee hope wee have propos'd it
with All the tenderness & Iustice that can reasonably be Ex-
pected and with all due Submission to his Excy And Your
honors Wee cannot depart from it
Therefore if Your honours are not pleas'd to Ioyne with us
in apportioning the money to help lessen the leavy Accord-
ing to the tenour of the laws at the price you first proposd to
us And agreed to Wee cant help it And our Countrey can't
impute it to us If you please to send the Iournall Wee will
Regulate it in tobacco as soon as Wee cann And lay it before
Yor honors if there be any thing you think Unreasonable please
to remarke it that it May be considerd.
Wee do not pretend to medle with the Allowances for
Countrey Arms cleansing as You are pleasd to Supose there-
fore it Shall be expunged.
Wee expected Kinder usage but shall Content our selves
at prsent without any other remarks.
Signd p order Wm Taylard Cl h D
Which being read and approovd of by the house And Sent
up to the Honoble Councill by Mr Henry Coursey Mr Samll
Young Mr Charles Greenberry Mr Ino Taylor & Mr Thomas
They returne and say they deliverd their Message.
The honob Thomas Tench Esqr Ino Hamond Esqr Robt
Smith Esqr and Edward Lloyd Esqr enters the house & delivers
Mr Speaker the Iournall of the Comittee of Accounts with the
following Message viz'