Comittee of Accounts Therefore must now observe to you that
either the Allowances on the said Iournall are Iust and fitting
to be made by this Assembly or otherwise Wee Beleive neither
yor house nor this board Would Agree thereto Wherefore was
yor Message requiring His Excys concession to future re-
trenchments contrary to her Majtys Instruccons for Sending
home Seal'd duplicates of the coppys of the laws Enacted here
tachd like a peticonary bill, nay rather an undoubted right
You haue to the free use of her Majts Great Seale for those
duplicates or at least to be dispensd with in not complying
with that Injunction to confirme which you haue only yor owne
Wee never designd or haue endeavourd but to cultivate a
good Understanding with your house & promote the interest
of the Countrey by readily agreeing to what was fitting for us
And therefore have Avoided taking notice of Severall Messages
from you Especially of that of the 30th of Septr by Mr Coursey
And Six other Members of your house Wherein you Seem
either to question our integrity.
The Allowance to this board is but one quartr in respect to
those to the Members of Your house the money raisd by
Imposts was allways intended by this Board to be disposed of
for defraying the publiq charge of the Countrey and Wee know
not how it could be better applyed And when wee haue Assurd
you that wee do not reguard our owne Advantage in what is
Allowd to us Wee may be Allowd to tell you without any ill
Usage that wee wonder (When you are Sencible of the publiq
charge) you should propose to transcribe so long A Iournall of
the Comittee of Accounts at this time A day when the Sessions
is so neer A Conclusion Therefore propose it be Assented to
as it now stands And as to the foregoing dispute this Agree-
ment will not be conclusive but the matter may more calmly &
leizurely be debated Another Sessions.
Signd p order Wm Bladcn Cl Co.
Which being read and debated was Answerd as foll