Amended And sent up to his Excy by Mr Henry Coursey to
pray his Excy that the same be Allowd of and may pass for
Mr Coursey returnes with the bill & says his Excy & Coun-
cill were pleasd to Agree to the amendment of the said bill
and Orderd it be engrossed.
Robert Smith Esqr from the Councill enters the house and
delivers Mr Speaker the following bill Vizt
Bill Confirming the last Will and testament of Charles As-
com of St Marys County
Endorsd Septr 18 1704 Read 1st time in Councill
Wm Bladen Cl
Bill prohibiting Importacon of bread beer etc.
Endorsd Read in Councill the 2d time and past for engros-
sing Wm Bladen Cl Co.
Bill for quieting possessions endorsd as Aboue.
Bill Confirming to the Govr the duty of 3d p tonn endorsd
as Aboue
Bill causing Grand & pettit Iurors & Witnesses to come
to Cort
Endorsd as Aboue.
Bill for Setlement of An Annuall revenue upon her Majts
Endorsd as Aboue.
Bill laying an Imposicon on Severall Comoditys Exported.
Endorsd as Aboue.
Bill laying an Imposicon of gd p Gallon on rume &c.
Endorsd Septr 18 1704
Read in Councill the first time & proposd that the Impost
be 12d p land & 6d water Wm Bladen Cl Co.
Bill declaring the devision of severall Countys
Endorsd Septr 18 1704
Read in Councill and will pass Wm Bladen Cl Co.
Bill to encourage the Inhabitants to Adventure Shipps &
Vessells Abroad.
Endorsd Septr 18 1704
Read the 2d time in Councill and past for engrossing.
Wm Bladen Cl Co.
Prohibiting Masters of Shipps and others from transporting
persons without passes.