P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
As to the building A house wee are utterly uncapable to
performe the same and therefore its fruitless to Attempt it
Yor Excy knows that out of the 12d p hhd to her Majty for
Support of Government she gratiously pleasd to Allow 3d p
hhd for supplying the province with Arms and Amunition and
preserving the same And Wee are informd that out of the
Same the province is plentifully Supplyed And that there is
About A thousand pounds in bank and the Stock increasing
Wee humbly mooue it to yor Excy if it may not be propper to
address her Majty to apply such parte thereof as may be spard
from that Use to the building A house and whither your Excy
and Councill will please to Ioyne with us in such address.
And though Wee are not Able to build Such house as
proposed Yet since her Majty has been pleased to permitt
your Excy to Accept and us to give Something in liew of house
rent Wee will Examine our Abillity And Wee hope shalbe
able to make some Suitable acknowledgment to the tender
regards you haue Showne for us.
Wee haue considered of the Severall Articles and proposalls
laid before us And so soone as the Clerke cann draw them off
the Iournall Your Excy shall know the opinion of this house
thereon Signd p order Wm Taylard Cl ho Del
Which being read orderd that Coll Maxwell Mr Dollahyde
Mr Iohn Gray Mr Iohn Waters Mr Iohn Iones and Mr Ino
Maclaster carry the same togeather with this houses con-
currence with the message relating to Mr Hall to his Excy &
They returne and say they deliverd the same.
3d Parragraph of the reporte of the Comittee of Agreiv-
ances relating to Wares and hedges Sett up in Rivers &
Creeks to the Great hazard of boates &ca Read & debated.
Resolvd that no hedges nor wares be sett up in any Creeks
or Rivers belowe any landing places And that the same be
remedied by A Clause to be Added to the Act for preservation
of harbours &ca
4th The Aggreivance relating to Striking fish
Read and debated.
Jt is Resolvd its no Aggreivance to the province.
Wm Holland & Edwd Lloyd Esqrs Enters the house and
delivers the following bills.
Bill providing What Shalbe Evidence to proove forreign &
other debts.
Bill prohibiting Commissioners &c. to plead as Attorney's
Bill for publication of Marriages.
Bill for preservation of Harbours.