the same be fetched on Board the Shipps but are forct to make
use of other persons landing places and Altho the the party's
agreivd haue offerrd to the owners of such land where such
landing places are the full Vallue for so much thereof as wou'd
be sufficient for such remote inhabitants to build A Store house
to lay their goods in the owners thereof Absolutely deny to
gratify their reasonable desires in the premises.
Jt is humbly therefore prayd that some method be taken for
the releife of persons so Aggreivd by compelling the sd owners
to Sell or dispose of A sufficient quantity of such land by A
Iury according to the method used for purchasing Church or
towne lands or otherwise to the Iudicious opinions of the house
shall seem most meet
It is further represented that of late Severall persons living
neer the heads of Rivers where the same are Narrow make
and cause to be made wares for ketching fish Cross those
rivers thereby hindring the passage of boats &c. to those
landings which they could formerly Easily come to, to the
great prejudice of persons residing at the Uttermost heads of
such rivers by obstructing their boates to pass and repass as
The Striking of Fish in or neer Somersett County is thought
A great agreivance. Signd p order Ino Collins Cl
Which being read the house proceed to debate the same
1. Parragraph agt Exportacon of Iron, being debated is
Allowd of to be an Agreivance.
2. Parragraph relating to Store houses Is likewise Allowd
to be an Agreivance, And Resolvd it be remedy'd by A law.
And being proposd how farr Masters of Shipps and Sailors
shalbe oblidgd to roll their tobacco
Put to the question whither it shall be A mile or two miles
from landing places.
Carryd by the Majority of Votes it shall be put one mile.
The following Message being read was Agreed to by the
house and orderd to be entred.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.