128 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T Md.
Vol. 17.
line of the said bill these words be added after County (if her
Majty shall so think fitt otherwise if she shall so graciously
please to direct) And that you may not apprehend or haue any
Jealousy's that this board are desireous to haue the said fines
for ordnary lycenses applyd otherwise then as by the house it
is intended Wee are willing the law be temporary for some
Small time if the house thinke fitt
Signd p ordr Wm Bladen Cl Councill
Peticon of Coll Thomas Smithson being brought into the
house and read is granted &
Orderd the Comittee of Accounts give Allowance as prayd.
The Message by Robt Smith & Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqrs
being endorsd on the bill for regulating ordrys &c. was read &
Answerd as follows Vizt
By the house of Delegates
Septr 12. 1704
This house haue read and Considerd the message touching
the Bill for regulating ordnarys on the back of the bill And if
the making of the law for A Short time as proposd by the
honoble Councill is thought of weight to moove this house to
consent to them Addiconall words Wee hope may haue As
strong Effect to moove yor honors to concurr with this house
in leaving them out for so short a time Since by the time her
Majts pleasure can be knowne the law will expire And its
Agreed that till then the fines Arrising shall be applyd to the
Countys And therefore it is but saying what wee All intend to
doe And this method proposd is Altogeather new And that
Contained in the bill Agreeable to all other laws Not one in
the whole province having such A reserve as is here propos'd
Nor cann Wee see that her Majesty enjoyns any such reserve
but in what Shalbe offerrd to her Majesty's Governour And
therefore this house does Earnestly pray the honoble Councills
Consideration and Concurrence with the house therein
Signd per order Wm Taylard Cl h D.
Sent up by Mr Lowe Mr Ecclestone & Mr Frisby
They returne and say they deliverd the same.
Mr Wm Coursey from the Councill enters the house and
delivers Mr Speaker the following Message Vizt