The Lower House. 125
Church with the Greatest Solemnity Wee are capeable of here
in this remote parte of the world wee desire Mr Speaker and
the house of Delegates Will Concurr to accompany his Excy
And this board to the said Church at the time of Afd
Signd p order Wm Bladen Cl Coun
Which being read is agreed to by the house and Resolved
they will Comply with whats desir'd.
Was read Againe the message brought from the Honoble
Councill by Robert Smith and Iohn Hamond Esqrs
Resolvd by the house that All possible means be us'd to
prevent the same as being levelld Against her Majts Interest
And the good of this Countrey Therefore orderd that A Comit-
tee be Appointed to consider the many Evills that would re-
dound to her Maj's Interest and the Welfare of this province
And that his Excy be prayd to Ioyne some of the honoble
Councill with the Comittee.
Orderd it be drawne up in A message to his Excy for that
purpose which follows vizt
P. R. O.
B. T Md.
Vol. 17.
By the house of Delegates Septr 11, 1704
Upon the Subject in the last message touching A designe
forming Against the Constitution of the Gouernment
Resolved that All possible meanes be used to prevent the
same being levelld against her Majts Interest and the good of
this Countrey And therefore orderd that A Comittee be ap-
pointed to consider the many Evills that would redound both
to her Majts interest and the Welfare of this province And that
his Excy be pleasd to loyne some of the honoble Councill with
the Comittee to consider and make reporte And that his Excy
would be pleasd to loyne his interest with ours to prevent the
same. Signd p order Wm Taylard Cl h D.
Which being read its orderd Mr Samll Young Mr Iohn Leach
& Mr Macall carry the same to his Excy and Councill.
Bill for appointing Constables &c.
Read the Ist time and do pass.
The house Adjournes till 2 A Clock Afternoon.
Post Merediem
The house mett againe according to Adjournment being
Calld over were All present as in the morning.
Severall bills brought into the house were read