P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
Its Resolved that the mocon be sett aside at prsent
The house now proceed to debating the Articles of Instruc-
cons &ca
10th Article in 2 parragraphs Vizt the first being required
What Laws and Statutes of England are in force in this
province &ca being here read.
Jts Resolved that this being A matter will take up so much
time to be considerd of this Assembly because of many other
Weighty matters now comes under consideration. But for
that its A good Mocon and ought not to dye therefore Orderd
that the honoble Thomas Smithson Esqr Mr Robert Goulds-
borough Mr Henry Coursy and Mr Nicholas Low or any two
of them whereof the sd Thoms Smithson Esqr or Mr Goulds-
borough to be one to make inspection into the Statute laws
of England. And from thence draw A Collection of What
they thinke to be most practicable in this province To which
purpose they are empowrd to employ A Clerk to Attend them
& Appoint Suitable times for meeting And to make reporte
to the next Sessions of Assembly of their proceedings there in
for wch they are to be consider'd.
As to the 2d pagraph of the tenth Article that measures be
taken to have the Severall Acts of parliament of every Sessions
Sent from England. Resolved that our Agent be desired to
send into this province for our use such Acts of pliament as
by that paragraph is required.
Moovd by A member whither it be not of Service to the
Countrey to Continue Cott Nathanll Blakiston our Agent as
Resolvd that Coll Nathanll Blakiston be continued Agent
pursuant to the Resolve of last Sessions.
The peticon of Xpher Goodhand deed now prferrd by his
widdow and others was here read but
Forasmuch as Mr Nathaniell Hinson is a party concernd
having no notice thereof therefore
Orderd that Sumons goe forth to the sd Hinson to Appeare
at the next Sessions of Assembly when & wheresoever it Shall
be held that he may be heard in the premises if to him it Shall
seem meet
And likewise orderd that notice thereof be given to Mrs
The house Adjourns till tnonday Morning 8 A Clock.