By her Majtys honob Councill in Assembly
Sepr 9 1704
Mr Iohn Holts peticon with your endorsment Wherein
Wee perceive upon his Importunity's yor comisseration (not
being fully Acquainted with his enormous life & conversation)
has induced You to give him more credit than he can any
wise pretend to, much more deserve and so be content to
apply for his restoration has been read at this board And Wee
Acquaint you that Altho' his Excy is Very willing to gratifye
the house in any thing they cann request Yet wee cannot be
Content to Advise his Excy to restore A person who has had
so many Warnings And yet notwithstanding his many solemn
promises and Assurances has soe much Scandalizd his function
And prejudiced the service of the Church
Signd p order W Bladen Cl Coun
Which was here read and Resolved Mr Iohn Holt the
peticoner haue notice thereof
Mr George Valentine Serjeant Attendant p Permission enters
the house and Complaines against Thomas Reynolds who by
Vertue of Meane process out of the County Court at s. of one
De hinoysa did seize & Arrest the said George during the
sitting of this Assembly.
And soe orderd to withdraw.
Whereupon it was Resolvd that the matter of Complaint
from an officer of this house is A breach of privileidge.
Therefore orderd that the Serjeant Attendant forthwith
bring the said Thomas Reynolds to the barr of this house to
Answer the premises.
Proposd by A member of this house that some care be taken
for the encrease of Deare by restrayning the people from
killing them in the Sumer time.
Which being debated,
The house is of opinion and thinks it not fitt to restrain the
Indians from hunting being granted them by Articles of peace
and therefore not to restraine the inhabitants
The house adjourns till 2 A Clock in the Afternoone.
Post Merediem
The house met againe According to Adjournement And
being called over were all p'sent as in the morning.
Proposd by A member that forasmuch as Tanners in this
province are Very prejudiciall to the Inhabitants by their
making bad leather, Therefore its prayd that Measures may
be taken to remedy it
Which being debated in the house