beleive us the most capeable and propper to informe your
Excy how farr the present constitution of this province is Able
to comply therewith And that yor Excy will be Assur'd that
nothing will be omitted by us that with the safety and good of
our Countrey Wee can doe.
Wee returne you our humble thanks for the intimacon yor
Excy is pleasd to give us of some designe carrying on Against
us And beseech you to make the same more plaine to our
Speaker as you were pleas'd to say that we may take suitable
measures therein.
Wee have resolvd the revising our Laws and whatever
appeares deficient therein wilbe provided for Suppression of
Vise and imorality and wee pray your Excy to give Strict
charge to all officers and Ministers through your Government
Whose duty itt is to putt the same laws in Vigorous Execution
by causing the same to be Strictly observed, since good laws
without due Execution & observance are but dead Letters to
noe purpose.
Wee hope your Excy is sattisfyed that Wee do not trifle
away any time but doe Attend the business for Which wee
came And wee Assure you that hitherto our debates has been
moderate and candid And hope none is enclined to foment nor
are Wee to receive any the least Suspiccons or lealousy of
your Excy since both your words and Actions has given us
suce Ample Assureance of your Generous resolucons of
Governing us by the laws, protecting of us in our rights And
being ready to Assent to any thing for the reall benefit! of this
province And wee are well confirmd in opinion that the honor
of our Sovereigne and Welfare of this province are so inseper-
ably Annext that they are never to be parted.
Worthy Sr Wee are deeply sencible of yor Generous and
Just carriage to us and hope you shall Allways finde us A
Gratefull peaceable and modest people And As Wee Pray for
her Majts long and happy reigne soe wee doe for your Govern-
ment over us. Signd p order Wm Taylard Cl h D
By the house of Delegates
Sepr 8 1704
Which being read and approved of by the house was sent
up to his Excy and councill by Mr Wm Frisby Coll Edwd
Dorsey Mr How Mr Gerrard Fowlke and Mr Francis Dellahyde.
They returne and say they delivered the same.
Robt Smith Esqr from the honob Councill enters the house
and delivers Mr Speaker the peticon of Mr Iohn Holt returnd
endorsd As followeth