110 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
Resolvd that it be referrd till the Comittee of laws make
their report upon the laws of England on that matter.
The peticon of Mr Charles Pye and the resolve thereupon
with the referrence of last Assembly was read and debated. &
Orderd by the house that the Comittee of laws prepare A
bill for releife of the peticoner
Orderd the peticon be deliverd the Comittee for that purpose.
Moovd by A member of the house that the land law And
the Lord Baltemores objections And the law limitting pay-
ment of obligacons be sent for and laid before the house.
Resolved they be sent for.
The referrence of last Assembly relating to the peticon of
Mr Iohn Whittington for sale of Danl Toas land for payment
of his Debts was here read But forasmuch as the peticoner
does not appear to prosecute the same its further referrd.
The referrence relating to engrossing the laws in partch-
ment Read and debated Resolvd the bills be engrost in partch-
Mr Young is desird by the house to treat with Mr Richard
Dallam about purchasing of partchmt from him for that use
and reporte the same to the house.
And likewise resolvd the sd Young send for A quantity of
paper and partchment to the Vallue of tenn pound Sterling
for the publiq use And that an Ordnance for that purpose be
drawne up and sent his Excy for concurrence of the honob
Councill wch follows
By the house of Delegates
September 7. 1704
Whereas this house haue often times found it very difficult
to gett paper and partchment for supply of the publiq busi-
ness therefore thought fitt And its Resolved by the house that
Mr Samll Young Trearer for the Westerne Sheare Send for
A quantity of paper and partchment out of England that is to
say the Vallue of Six pounds Sterling in partchment And four
pounds in paper for the publiq use For wch the sd Young shall
be Allowd to wch this house humbly prays the Concurrence of
the honoble Councill
Signd p order
Wm Taylard Cl h D
Sent up to his Excy p Mr Wm Stone
He returnes and says he deliverd the same.
The proposall of last Assembly relating to An Allowance
to be made Mr Blathwaite Auditor Genll and referrd to the