Consideracon of this Assembly being here read and debated
Its resolv'd that this house Concurrs with the opinion of the
last Assembly that there is no reason to grant to such An
officer any Allowance out of the publiq Stock of this province
Coll Francis lenkins enters the house and delivers Mr Spea-
ker the land law And the law for limitting time for payment
of obligacons And the Lord Baltemores observations thereon
with other papers thereto relating and departed.
Proposd by A member of this house that some person or
persons in England may be appointed to whom the publiq
trearers may remitt such bills of Exchange as come to their
hands for the publiq Stock soe that if such person or persons
faile the trearers may be blameless.
Resolvd Nemine contradicente that such person be ap-
pointed And that Coll Nathanll Blakistone (being agent for
this province) be appointed to whom the trearers shall here-
after remitt the said bills.
The Comittee of Election and priveleidges enters the house
and returns all the Indentures of the severall Countys and
Citty of St Mary's within this province Except Somersett
County and reports that the members therein mencond are
All duely Elected and returned And as for Somersett County
the indenture is thus endors'd by the Comittee of Election
and privileidges Sept. 7th 1704
Upon reading the within Indenture it appeares all the four
delegates therein appointed are duely and legally Elected but
the Sherriff of Somersett County has not made any due or
legall returne as he ought to have done.
Which the Comittee offers for their Consideration
Which being read and debated, This house concurs there-
wth that the members are duely Elected and that the Sherriff
has not done his duty but that his failure is not willfull or pre-
judiciall to the publiq but is A deficiency in not returning
Separate Indentures from each person therefore he is not
lyable to the penaltys of the Act of Assembly but however
Resolved that this house pray his Excy that he may be sum-
oned to Answer his neglect before his Excy & Councill
And orderd A message be sent his Excy for that purpose
and to be prepar'd against the morning.
Coll Wm Holland from the Councill enters the house and
delivers Mr Speaker the ordnance for partchmt thus Endors'd
By the honob her Majts Councill
Sept. 7th 1704.
The honoble her Majts Councill Concurr with the Aboue
resolve of the house W Bladen Cl Councill.
The house Adjourns till to morrow morning 8 a clock