remain After All debts and charges paid and disbursd And
Accots passed before the Comissary there shall be no such
duty Allowd but the remainder to be left intire for such as
shall have right to the same.
Resolvd it be Ascertaind by A law.
The house Adjournes till 2 A Clock Afternoon.
Post Merediem
The house mett againe being calld over were All prsent as
in the morning
Mr Wm Stone A member for Charles Coty enters the house.
The house being Informd that Coll Thos Smithson A mem-
ber of this house is come to towne Its Resolvd by the house
that in the gratefull remembrance of the many Eminent Ser-
vices he has done to this province the whole house with the
Speaker will wait on him to his place in the house which was
done Accordingly
Orderd that Mr Elias King Mr Thomas Frisby Mr Wm Bar-
ton Mr Joseph Hill & Mr Wm Watts attend the honoble
Thomas Smithson Esqr and Mr Wm Stone to see them take
the oaths &ca before his Excy in Councill.
They returne and say they saw them sworne & signe the
test and oath of Abjuration & that his Excy thanks the house
for the house for the honor done to so worthy a person as
Coll Smithson in sending soe many members of the house to
Attend him.
Then was read the following Lre directed to Mr Speaker Vizt
Mr Speaker
I haue kept my bed this tenn days with A Swelling in my
feet and knees wch is the Cause of my Absence as soon as possi-
bly I cann shall Attend my duty I hope my prsent inabillity will
be Sufficient to excuse who am Sr Yor humb Servt
Tuesday 5th Septr 1704 Henry Coursy
Which being read in the house his excuse is Allowd of
Orderd that Coll Thos Smithson Mr Robt. Goldesborough
Mr Charles Greenberry Mr Wm Stone and Mr Elias King be
& are by the house appointed A Comittee of laws.
The referrence relating to the Conversion of the Indians
was read & referrd till the morning for consideracon
The proposall of last Session of making A law to suppress
popish preists and others from perverting her Majts Subjects
& bringing them over to the Church of Rome &c. was read
And the house finding it A matter highly to be considerd