108 Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 5-Oct. 3, 1704.
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.
is to be Accountable for to the publiq And Alsoe his fine
according to the Aforesd order of the house And Also promisd
to refund the part of A pound of tob p poll Which he un-
justly leavy'd to the County
A true coppy from the lournall first above mentioned
Wm Taylard Cl h d
Which was Endorsed as followeth Vizt
By the Comittee of priveleidg's & Elections
Septr 7th 1704.
It is humbly reported to the house that it is their opinion
that the within paper relating to Coll Wm Peirce doth not pro-
perly lye before this Comittee.
Signd p order Richd Dallam Cl Com
Which said paper and the report of the Comittee thereon
being here read Itt was humbly offerrd to the house by A
member whither the said Coll Peirce be not disabled from sit-
ting in the house being so Accrirninated as is sett forth against
him in the Aforesaid paper.
Therefore put to the Question whether he be quallifyed to
sitt in the house or not And being carryd in the affirmative
Its orderd by the house that the said Coll Peirce be desired to
walk in
He appeard and Mr Speaker acquainted him with what was
done in the house and so desir'd him to take his place.
The members of Somersett County viz' Mr Ios: Gray Mr Iohn
Waters Mr Iohn Iones Mr Ino Maclaster enters the house &
Orderd that Samll Young and Thomas Greenfeild Esqrs At-
tend them to see them take the oaths &ca before his Excy and
They returne and say they saw them sworne signe the test
and oath of Abjuration
Moovd by A member of the house that they proceed to
read and debate the severall referrences of last Sessions
Resolvd they do proceed
As to the Sallary of ten pounds p Cent Allowd Exrs and
Admrs upon Accounts of their Admstration affaires being
Its Resolved that the Allowance of tenn p Cent Sallary shall
be Allow'd upon noe Accounts Whatever but where it Shall
appear that the Sums of money or tobacco be bona fide reed
and paid And for such parte of the deeds Estate that shall