They returne and say they deliverd the same. Moov'd by
A member of the house that the towne pasture is still bur-
thened with Stocks of horses cattle hoggs sheep & goats to
the prejudice of the publiq Therefore its Advisd that the law
be revis'd And that such Addicon be made thereto as shall be
thought necessary to suppress the same
Therefore orderd that Mr Samll Young and Mr Joseph Hill
prepare A bill to remedy the same and add such other
clauses thereto as shall be thought necessary, In order thereto
Severall heads were deliver'd.
The Comittee of Election and privileidges enters the house
and delivers Mr Speaker A paper of Complaint against A
member of the house.
Upon Which Coll Wm Peirce A member for Cecill County
was ordered to withdraw and Accordingly he did.
Thereupon orderd the following paper be read and entred
in this lournall vizt, In A Iournall of the proceeding's of an
Assembly at Annapolis the 29 day of lune Annoq Dni 1701
is Contain'd as followeth Vizt
The lournall of the Comittee of Agrievances was read as
follows, It is offerrd as an Agreivance against the Sherriff of
Cecill County that the Sherriff made A returne in the Yeare
1697 which was Short of the list of taxables Given by the
Constables twenty three.
Alsoe in the Yeare 1698 was returnd Short as p the Con-
stables List 22 Taxables and in the same Year did Add to the
lists 24 of A pound of tob p poll.
In the Yeare 1696 was Allowd 2160l tob by the publiq to
the County towards boat-hire for bringing the Delegates of
that County to the Assemb whereof there was never any more
paid that Yeare then 720l tob.
Alsoe there was Allow'd to the County in the Yeare 1697
by the publiq 1440l tob whereof there was no Creditt given to
the County that Yeare by the Sherriff
Orderd that the Serjeant attendant bring to the barr Coll
Wm Peirce who being examind in relacon to the matter of fact
Alledgd against him by the Comittee of agrievance acknowl-
edgd the same.
Resolved that the said Comittee of Agrievances call before
them the said Wm Peirce and State the Account of the Publiq
and that he refund the same and be fined for his misfeazances
to the use of the publiq1000l tobacco.
The Comittee of Agrievances orderd to enquire and finde
out what Coll Peirce had receiv'd on Account of the Publiq
more then what he had given Creditt Enters the house and
reports as follows. Wee have calld Coll Wm Peirce before us
and doe finde he has reed the sume of 2556l tob for which he
P. R. O.
B. T. Md.
Vol. 17.