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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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                  526 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1730.


              Lib. M. What Quantity and Sorts of British Manufactures do the

                  Inhabitants take from hence?

                   What Trade has the Province under your Government with

                  any foreign Plantations or any Part of Europe besides Great

                  Britain? How is that Trade carried on? What Commodities

                  do the People under your Government send to, or receive

                  from foreign Plantations

                p.     z8 What Methods are used to prevent illegal Irade; and are

                  the same Effectual?

                   What is the Natural Produce of the Country, Staple Com

                  modities & Manufactures besides Tobacco?

                   And what Value thereof in Sterling Money may your an

                  nually export?

                   What Mines are there?

                   What is the Number of Inhabitants, Whites and Blacks?

                   Are the Inhabitants increased, or decreased within the last

                  Ten Years, how much, and for what Reasons?

                   What is the Number of the Militia?

                   What Forts and Places of Defence are therein your Govern

                  ment, and in what Condition?

                   What number of Indians have you, and how are they


                   What is the Strength of the Neighbouring Indians?

                   What is the Strength of your Neighbouring Europeans,

                  French or Spaniards?

                   What Effect have the French or Spanish Settlements on the

                  Continent of America upon His Majesty's Plantations, especi

                  ally on your Province?

                   What is the Revenue arising within your Government, and

                  how is it appropriated?

                   What are the Ordinary and Extraordinary Expences of your


                   What are the Establishments Civil and Military within your

                  Governmt and by what Authority do the Officers hold their


                   It is desired that an Annual Return may be made to these

                  Queries, that the Board may from time to time be apprized of

                  any Alterations that may happen in the Circumstances of Your


                   The foregoing Queries being read His Excellency the

                  Governor desires the Advice of this Honble Board in return

                  ing the properest Answers thereto; who endeavour to advise

                  his Excellency to return suitable Answers to some of them;

                  but seeing there are so many and of such different Natures,

                  the farther Consideration thereof is advised to be referred to

                  another Meeting of this Board


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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