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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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         Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1730. 527


      At a Council held in the Council Chamber on Friday the Lib. M.

    Eighth day of May in 16th Year of His Lordship's Dominion 29

    &c Annoq Domini 1730.


                  Present as Yesterday


      Ordered by this Board that the Constables of the several

    Counties return to the Sheriff of their County a List of the

    Inhabitants, Men, Women, and Children white and black in

    separate Columns at or before August Court next, and that

    the said Order be sent to the Sheriff of the several Counties,

    that the said Sheriff serve the Constables with a Copy thereof,

    and that the several Sheriffs return to His Excellency the Govr

    the said Lists as soon as they Come to their Hands; which

    Orders issued in the Words following




               By the Governor and Council

                      8th May 1730


      You are hereby required to serve Each particular Constable

    of the several hundreds within your County with a Copy of

    the within Order to them directed, and when they have made

    a Return to you of the List of Inhabitants, You are immedi

    ately to transmitt the same to the Governor

      To Mr A B High Sheriff       Signed p Order

         of D County            John Ross Cl Conl.



               By the Governor and Council

                      8th May 1730



      You are hereby required to transmit to the Sheriff of your

    County at or before August Court next in separate Columns

    a List of all the Inhabitants, Men, Women, and Children,

    White and Black, that are within your Hundred in Order for

    his laying it before the Governor and Council for their


      To the respective Constables of Signed p Order

    Each Hundred in the County of D.   John Ross Cl Con.


      The Petition of Several of the Inhabitants of Dorchester

    County, being read at this Board, is, as follows


      To His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Govr of

    Maryland, and His Honourable Council


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 527   View pdf image (33K)
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