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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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                  524 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1730.


             Lib. M.   Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled An Act for the Es

                  tablishment of Religious Worship in this Province according

                  to the Church of England and for the maintenance of Minis

                  ters also to An Act Concerning the Parishes of St Marys and

                  Charles Countys And to An Act reviving and Continuing

                  An Act Entituled An Act to restrain the ill Practices of At

                  torneys and to prevent their taking Money Fees and Ascer

                  taining what Fees shall be Allowed to the Practitioners in

               p. z6   the Law who shall attend the Circuit Courts made at a

                  Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis

                  the Fifteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1725 Therefore

                  that Publick Notice may be given of His Lordships Dissents

                  to the said Laws I have thought fit by and with the Advice

                  of His Lordships Council of State to Issue this my Procla

                  mation And I do hereby in His Lordships Name Command

                  and require the respective Sheriffs of the Several Counties

                  in this Province to make due Publication hereof and of the

                  same Dissents at all Public Places in their said Counties

                  whereof they are not to fail at their Peril Given at Annapo

                  lis this Seventh Day of May in the Sixteenth Year of His

                  Lordships the Lord Proprietarys Dominion Annoq Domini

                 1730                              Great




                    Ordered that the said Proclamation be recorded in the

                  Secretary's Office, and that the Secretary's Clerk constantly

                  observe to make a marginal Note against Each Law to notify

                  the Time of the Proclamations issuing; publishing the Dis

                  sent to the same, which Order issued accordingly

                    His Excellency the Govr acquaints this Board, that He has

                  received a Letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Pro

                  prietary directed to the Clergy of Maryland, and desires to

                  advise with the Members of this Board the properest Method

                  to Communicate the same; who humbly are of Opinion that

                  •His Excellency will be pleased to summon the Clergy in

                  Gen' to attend him at Annapolis, and there deliver the said

                  Letter to them

                    His Excellency communicates to this Board part of a Lre

                  from the Governor of Virginia, in which Letter was inclosed a

                  Scheme for a Tobacco Law, which Scheme being read, he

                  desires the Opinion of this Board, whether the Meeting of the

                  Assembly be deferred till a longer Time, or that they should

                  meet according to the last Prorogation; Advised that the As

                  sembly meet according to the last Prorogation.

                    Ordered that the Clerk of this Board draw an Order on

                  Coll Samuel Young Treasurer of the Western Shoar payable


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 524   View pdf image (33K)
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