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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)
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         Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1730. 523


    declare the said Act Null, Void and of no Effect. Given Lib. M.

    under Our Hand and Seal at Arms at London this Thirtieth

    Day of January in the Fifteenth Year of Our Dominion Over

    the said Province Annoq Domini 1729.



                      C: Baltemore

      Charles Absolute Lord, and Proprietary of the Province of

    Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c: To Our

    Right Trusty and Dearly beloved Brother the Honourable

    Benedict Leonard Calvert Esqr Our Lieutenant Governour

    of Our said Province of Maryland, And to Our Right Trusty,

    and Well beloved, the Upper and Lower Houses of Our

    General Assembly There and to all others in Our said Prov

    ince of Maryland for the Time being Greeting. Whereas at

    a Sessions of Assembly begun and held at Annapolis in Our

    said Province of Maryland the Tenth Day of July and ending

    the Eighth Day of August in the Fifteenth Year of Our Do

    minion Over the said Province Annoq Domini 1729 An Act

    for reviving and continuing An Act Intituled an Act to restrain

    the ill Practices of Attorneys, and to prevent their taking

    Money Fees and ascertaining what Fees shall be allowed to

    the Practitioners in the Law, who shall attend the Circuit

    Courts; made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at

    the City of Annapolis the Fifteenth Day of March Annoq

    Domini 1725, then passed into a Law, and now Revived by

    the above mentioned Act passed into a Law On due Consid

    eration thereof, We have thought fit to Dissent to the said

    Act and do hereby declare the said Act Null, Void, and of

    no Effect. Given under Our Hand and Seal at Arms at

    London this Thirtieth Day of January in The Fifteenth Year

    of Our Dominion, Over the said Province Annoq Domini



      Ordered Proclamation issue to Publish the Dissents of the

    said Laws

      Proclamation issued in the words following


    Maryland ss.

      By His Excellency Benedict Leonard Calvert Lieutenant

    General and Chief Governour in and Over the Province of


                     A Proclamation

      Whereas His Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord

    Proprietary of this Province has Signified His Dissents to the

    Acts of Assembly hereafter mentioned Viz. To An Act for

    ascertaining the form of the Oath of Judge or Justice also

    To An Act for Improving the Staple of Tobacco also To a


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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1698-1731
Volume 25, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)
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