The Glory of God & the advancemt of this his Matys Prov-
ince and Good Correspondency with our neighbouring Colo-
nys shall be our Endeavours, And if his Maty hath been pleased
to Repeale the present Act for Establishing the Protestant
Religion Yet will we not be discouraged but Endeavour by
Your Excellencys Conduct to Adjust Matters so Agreeable to
his Matys Pleasure & the Generall Satisfaction of this Province
That we hope his Maty will att Length by Law Establish
Religion amongst us According to the Church of England,
That our Children and Posterity being preserved in the Unity
of the Church from faction and Schism in honesty and Char-
ity, may become Good and Sober men, Loveing Virtue flying
Vice the rational Consequence of True Christian Doctrine,
which God preserve amongst us, We never had the lest Ap-
prehension of his Matys Obstructing our Liberty and we have
Sufficient Assurance of his Royal Attchievements for the pre-
servation of it if it be any time unjustly Obstructed, We are
Assured that such Obstruction proceeds not from his Maty,