p. 9
Roome to any person to suggest its being disassented to upon
any other Grounds than it mentions; You having Clogged
and Loaded it with things of Different Natures which I hope
you will wisely Correct without the least Hesitation. For we
are happy under the Wings & Protection of a Prince whose
Delight is to run the greatest hazards for the Conservation of
our Properties and never yet obstructed his People in pursue-
ing that blessed name of Liberty.
You are sencible how useful Religion is in the Good Gov-
ernment of a Nation or Province, it's the Uniting the People,
the keeping men Good and Deterring them from comitting
of Rapines of all Degrees upon each other. Much may be
said upon this Subject which is not so proper here and not
being my Tallent, neither is it necessary where I am morally
Assured those persons to whom I Applye, are So well inclined
and are So Good Judges of the fatall Consequences would
Attend us in the Loss of that good Law.
I shall not here enumerate what other affaires we are to con-
cert this Sessions of Assembly but will leave you to proceed
in the usual way of Conferrence and Message, being ready to
Joyn wth you wherein we may promote his Matys Service on
which Depends the Good of this Province.
Mr William Taylard sworne Clk of the House of Delegates
took the Oaths Subscribed the Test & Associacon
The Board adjourned till 9 of the Clock to morrow morning.
Saturday Aprill the 27th 1700.
The Councill Sate present as yesterday.
p. 10
Came James Frisby Esq. and was Added.
It being represented to the Board that Capt Bradshaw
Comander of the Ship of London who the last Sumer
Imported Negros into this Province had before he made Re-
porte and Entry of his Ship ran Twenty Two negros on the
Shore side in Dorchester and Somersett Countys without
Giveing any acct thereof and that Mr George Bayns who lives
att Mr Dashells in Wicocomico River Capt John Taylor and
Mr Henry Hooper of Dorchester County are knowing thereof.
Ordered Therefore That John Pollard Esqr one of his Matys
Justices of the Provinciall Court do issue his Warrants and
Call before him the said George Baynes, Capt John Taylor
and Mr Henry Hooper and upon their Corporall Oaths upon
the holy Evangelists by him to them to be Administred strict-
ly Examine them of what they know thereof, and their said
Examinations with all Convenient Speed to Transmitt to his
Excellency the Governr
Signed p order W Bladen Cl Concil