Clk haveing Since his death Officiated the said Office in what
was requisite wherefore it is the Opinion of this house that
the Admr of the said Christopher refund to be paid to the said
Wm Taylard Two thousand pounds of tobo for services by
him done for the remaineing Two moneths to compleate the
yeare for which the said Xpher Gregory hath been allready
paid the Consideration whereof is further referred.
By the house of Dellegates
May 9th 1700
Resolved that Captn Richard Hill with all convenient Speed
build and finish a prison after the same dimencons as proposed
the last Sessions of Assembly only the foundation thereof to
be of Stone and the other parte of the wall up to the plate with
Brick to be well and Substantially built on Some lott in this
Towne as his Excy the Govr shall please to direct and to be
paid for the same Sume of One hundred and Fifty Pounds
Sterling out of the publick Stock of this Province if his Excy
and Councill shall concurr therewith
Signed p Order W Taylard Clk
house of Delegates
To which his Excy and Councill would not assent unless the
same be built with Stone according to the dimentions in an
Ordinance of the last Sessions of Assembly.
Therefore the same is referred to the Gent appointed to
contract for Such building