Eod Die Orderd accordingly by his Excy and his Majts
Honoble Councill
W Bladen Clk Councill
The Ordinance relateing to the Piscattaway Indians re-
turnd to the house with the following Message vizt
By his Excy the Govr and Councill
in Assembly May 9th 1700
Altho this Board cannot but Joyne with yor house in acer-
taineing the Indians bounds yett they can by noe means con-
sent to forsake a plain Record that Acertaines those bounds,
to depend, on the uncertaine remembrances and direccon of
an old deafe man as Majr Borman is
Wherefore this Board purpose that the said Indians bounds
be againe run out to them by the psons nominated as the
same bounds are Expressed on Record in the Councill Bookes
of the Ld Baltemore and that noe pson be permitted to Seat
or dwell within those bounds unless such Indians have given
their Consent and rattified the same according to form or
Ordinances of Assembly
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Councill
Which being here read and debated the house conceive the
matters relateing to the said Indians is too tedious now further
to proceed thereon
It is Resolved that the further Consideracon thereof be re-
ferred till next Session of Assembly