Which being signed by them in Councill It was Ordered
that the Members of this house Signe the same which was
accordingly done
And Ordered to be entered in this Journall which is as
followeth vizt
Most Gracious Sovereigne
Wee your Majts most humble and Loyall Subjects the Bur-
gesses of this prsent Genll Assembly of yor Majts Province of
Maryland humbly begg leave to address yor illustrious Person
on behalfe of our selves and those wee represent and in most
humble manner to implore the continuance of your Grace and
favour towards us and our Act for Establishing Religion in
this Province which by the unanimous consent with which it
hath passed here appeares to be in the greatest measure
deare to us all and which is here prostrated at yor Royall feet
for favour and allowaunce haveing to the best of our under-
standeings purged it from all those imperfections that ren-
dred our former addresses that way irregular and therefore
unacceptable to yor Majty
Wee are touched with a deep sence of our oversight in our
former Act for this purpose and have noe dependance but on
your Majts unparralelled goodness and Piety to Excuse our
inadvertency in the former and accept of our sincerrity in this
and That as by your Majts Heroick and Matchless Valour you
have sheilded us from the insults of Enemys abroad you will
Crowne those bright accons by Establishing us in a Pious and
Christian peace at home filling our hearts thereby with a deep
Gratitude and Cheerfull Obedience for so great deliverances
and blessings
And next to the blessing of Religion wee cannott but owne
to yor Majy the great happiness wee enjoy under yor Majty in
the person of his Excy Nathan" Blakiston Esqre our prsent
Governeur whose conduct wee acknowledge to be noble and
Just equitable and Easy and by whose Example and Assist-
ance wee are very much encouraged in this our unanimous
endeavours for Establishment of Religion