And to the Clk of the house of Dellegates 01. 00. 00
It is Likewise Orderd that Xphr Monorts for his
Naturallization pay to the honoble Speaker 02. 00. 00
To the Attorney Genll 01. 00. 00
To the Clk of the Councill 01. 00. 00
To the Clk of the house of Dellegates 01. 00. 00
Majr Wm Barton Sherriff of Prince Georges County prayd
Who being prsent moved for an alloweance for Imprisonmt
fees of Sevll Mallefactors
But forasmuch as the Comee for Accounts have closed their
Journall it is ordered that he Apply himselfe to the Gent to be
appointed for laying the next Publick Leavy for alloweance.
Hee likewise mooved the house for allowance of Imprison-
ment fees of a Runaway Indian Committed to his Custody