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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 74   View pdf image (33K)
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74 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

The Honoble Robert Smith and Francis Jenkins Esqre enter
the house and delivers Mr Speaker the following message vizt

By his Excy the Govr and Councill in Assembly
May 8 1700

In answer to the message by Mr Saunders and Captn Phil-
lips relateing to the Church the Gent proposed to be entrusted
are very desireous to promote the building of the Church and
willing to doe there utmost to advance the same wherefore
they accept of the said Trust providd the house agree they
should lodge the money when by them received in some able
and responsable merchants hand in London to be now named
by the house and there to lye till called out of his hands but
not at the risque of the trustees in case any thing should hap-
pen to such mercht
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Councill

Upon reading the same it is Resolved that when the money
shalbe by the Gent recd they shall lodge the same in the hands
of Mr Micajah Perry and Comp Merchants in London (at the
Risque of the Countrey) there to lye till it be called out of their
hands by the Gent Intrusted
And Ordered that a Message be prepared and sent for that
Purpose which follows vizt

By the house of Dellegates
May the 8th 1700

The message by the honoble Robt Smith Esqre and Francis
Jenkins Esq relateing to the Church was here Recd and Read
It is Resolved that when the money shalbe by the Gent re-
ceived they shall lodge the same in the hands of Mr Micajah

fo. 50

Perry and Company Merchts in London at the Risque of the
Countrey there to lye till it be called out of their hands by the
Gent intrusted
Signed p Order W Taylard Clk
house of Dellegates

Mr Attorney Genll enters the house and delivers some Bills
to Mr Speaker
And says he is Orderd by his Excy to acquainte the house
that the Bill for Ascertaineing what laws shalbe in force shalbe
compared with the former And then the same will pass soe

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 74   View pdf image (33K)
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