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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 73

Lastly it is proposed that the House renew their Ordnance
for the Comr appointed last yeare to meet upon any Suddaine
Occasion that may happen.
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Councill

P. R. O.

Which is here read

And Considered that the Rangers may be taken of and is
further Resolved and Ordd that the Piscattaway Indians Lands
be layd out by the direction of Majr Boreman according as
the Right Honoble the Lord Baltemore directed him and that
the Same may be done effectually
It is orderd that some Gent be appointed to see the Same
done who Shall have power to Summons the said Majr Bor-
man and the King's Surveyrs of the County where the lands
lye to lay the same out and ascertaine the bounds thereof
and tht notice be given Some of the Cheife men of the Piscat-
taway Indians at the time and place aforesaid to meet and
see the land Surveyd and acertained as aforesaid and that if
the Indians shall returne and inhabitt upon the said land
quietly and peaceably as formerly then all Plantacons within
there bounds shalbe left and abandoned to them and the pos-
sessor there of receive Sattisfaccon for the same out of the
Publick Stock
And all other things contained in the said message the
house assent.
And Orderd that a message be prepared and sent up to
his Excy and Councill to this purpose.
And resolved that an Ordinance be drawne for laying out
and ascertaineing the bounds of the Choptanck Indians lands
and that Mr Thomas Ennalls and the Clk of this house are
order to prepare the Same agt tomorrow morning
The Bill for Repealing Certaine Laws in this Province and
Confirmeing others.
Read the 2d time and Will passe.
Bill for naturalization of Michaell Rattican and others read
the first and Second time and will pass.
Addiconall Bill to the Act touching Coopers &ca
Read the first and Second time & will pass
Which said Three last Bills were sent up to his Excy and
Councill by Colll John Tompson and Colll Whittington
Mr Robert Masons Peticon Prsented this house where he
prays an Allowance of 2 1/2 pCent for Six hundred and Sev-
enty pounds Sterlg remitted home by bills upon the Publick
Accots for wch the Pet" correspondt charges him.

fo. 48

Which being here read
It is Orderd that if Mr Mason make it appeare to this house
that he has been soe charged the next Assembly will take
consideration thereof that the same be allowed accordingly

fo. 49

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 73   View pdf image (33K)
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