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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 72   View pdf image (33K)
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72 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

The Peticon of some persons that Guarded the Prisoners
preferred to this house for an alloweance
Was Read and Orderd the same be Comitted to the
Comm" of Accompts for alloweance
The Bill for Repeale of all Laws eta
Read the first time and Orderd to be read agn
The Peticon of Xpher Mounts als Anderson for Naturalliza-
tion was here Read and
Resolved a Bill be drawne for the purpose
The Peticon of Coll Ninian Beale thereby complaining agt
Mr Clement hill Survr for Prince Georges County for not
returneing a Cert. &ca according to the duty of his office
The consideration whereof is referred to the Committee of
Agrievances to enquire into the truth of the premises and are
desired to make a Speedy reporte thereof to the house
The Address to his Majy being prepared was brought into
the house and here Read and Orderd to be engrossd
The house adjournes till 2 o clock in the afternoon

fo. 47

Post Meredm

The house mett againe and being called over were present
as in the morning The message brought here in the morn-
ing by Colll Hutchins and Colll John Hammond which follows

By the Counctll in Assembly
May 8th 1700

1 In answer to the houses message yesterday Mr Philln Loyd
and Mr Walter Cambell, as to the disbandeing & calling in
the Rangers it is the Opinion of the Majority of this board
that it is adviceable the rangers be kept out and not taken of
least the inhabitants on the frontiers upon any suddaine or
Violent Accon should withdraw and desert there plantacons
Yett if the house of Dellegates are desireous to have them
disbanded this Board will not obstruct the Same nor cann
they be answerable for any Mischiefe that may happen for
want of them
2 As to renewing the Order for running out the Chop-
tanck and piscattaway Indians Lands advised that the same
be effectually renewed and All Acts of Injustice done them
3 That the friendshipp of the Susquehannah and Schava-
nore Indians be secured by making a Treaty with them they
seemeing to be of Considereable moment and not to be
4 That as to the disposing of the Forte it be left to his
Excy all things of that nature being lodged in him

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 72   View pdf image (33K)
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