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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 71   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 71

The Indentures for Election of Colll Wm Peirce a member
for Cecile County was brought into the house and Comit-
ted to the Comittee of Election and privileidges to enquire
into the Same and make reporte thereof to this house
A Message by the Honoble Colll Hutchins and Colll Ham-
mond was read and referred till the after noone
Bill for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls Read the 3d time
with the Amendmt
Ordered it be Engrossed
The Committee of Election and privileidges enters the
house and gives there reporte in Wrighteing to the honoble
Speaker which follows vizt

This Comittee haveing before them the Writt of Election
of One Dellegate to Serve for Cecil County and haveing
Examined and inspected the returne doe finde and reporte
that Colll Wm Peirce is duely Elected and Chosen a delle-
gate to Serve for Cecill County and Indentures thereof
returned according to Act of Assembly
Jno Stanley Clk of Election and Privil'
May 8 1700

Which being read it is ordered that Colll Wm Peirce be
desired to walke in the house
Thereupon Colll Wm Peirce a Member for Cecill Coty
enters the house and is desired to take his place
The honoble James Frisby and Thomas Brookes Esqre en-
ter the house and delivers Mr Speaker the following Bills
Bill for reviewing some Laws &ca Endorsed May 8th 1700
Read and will passe W Bladen Clk Councill

P. R. O.

Bill for divideing Talbot Connty and constituteing an-
othr &c

May 8th 1700

Endorsed Read and Rejected
Signed per Order W Bladen Clk Councill

Sent up to his Excy and Councill by Mr Saunders and
Capt Phillips
The Bill for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls and the message
this day prepared relateing to the money for building the
The same Gent are likewise desired to Accompany Colll
Wm Peirce to his Excy in Councill to see him sworne
They returne and say they have delivered the message
and that Colll Peirce is sworne
Thereupon Coll Wm Peirce was desired to take his place.

fo. 46

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 71   View pdf image (33K)
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