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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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70 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.
fo. 45

It is resolved that applycation be made his Excy the Govr of
Virga for that purpose.
It is likewise resolved that the money be lodged in Maryland
in the hands of his Excy the Present Governor Coll Jno Addi-
son Thomas Brooke Esqr Coll John Hammond and Thomas
Tasker Esqr and full power is given them by this house to re-
ceive the said moneys treate and agree with any undertakers
for building the Church and upon such agreement and per-
formeance to pay them out of the said money agreed for
And orderd that a message be prepared and sent to his
Excy the Governr to the same purpose vizt

By the house of Dellegates
May 8th 1700
The message yesterday by Colll Addison Colll Courts and
Esqr Brookes relateing to the money raised for the build-
ing the church was here read and this house concurrs
therewith and it is resolved that the money be lodged in
Maryland in the hands of his Excy the prsent Govr Colll
John Addison Thomas Brookes Esqr Colll John Hammond
and Thomas Tasker Esqr and full power is given them by
this house to receive the said moneys treate and agree with
any undertakers for building the church and upon such
agreement and prformeance to pay them out of the said
money as agreed for
Signed p Order Wm Taylard
Clk house of Dellegates.

Proposed by a Member whether the house and Lott
shalbe taken of Majr Dorsey as they now are or that he
be oblidged to repaire them
Putt to the Vote
And Carryed by the Majority of voyces that the said
Majr Dorsey shall repaire the house
And thereupon Ordered that he be allowed Ten pounds
Sterl. for one yeares rent of the houses which is recom-
mended to the Committee of Accounts for Alloweance
The Bill for Suppressing Criminalls &ca Read the 2d
time & Resolved it doe pass with some small Amendment.
Bill for Reviveing Some Laws, vizt
Bill for quieting differences between Englh and Indians
Bill for lessening Talbot County and Constituteing anothr
Sent up to his Excy and Councill by Mr Phillemon Loyd
and Doctor Loockerman

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 70   View pdf image (33K)
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