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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 69

A Bill for makeing vallid the last will and Testamt of James
Tyer &c
Read the Second Time
Resolved to pass to be engrossed
An Act for quieting differences betwixt English & Indians
Read and Assented to by the house
Proposed by a Member of the house that forasmuch as
Doctor Bray has been very Serviceable to this Countrey in
Collection of a Library and for other his good services the

P. R. O.

house make him a prsent of Fifty pounds Sterling wch was
unanimously agreed unto by this house
The Reviveing bill read the first time and Orderd to be
read again this Evening
The same Bill read againe the second time
And resolved it doe pass
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning 8 o clock

May the 8th 1700

The house mett and were Present as yesterday only Mr Wm
Hutchinson who had Liberty to goe home.
Resolved that a Bill be drawne for some members of this
house to joyne with his Excy and Councill to advise and con-
cert Such measures as shalbe needfull relateing to the In-
dian Affaires.
The message yesterday by Colll Addison Colll Courts and
Thomas Brookes Esqrs now read vizt

By the Councill in Assembly
May 7th 1700

Upon inspection of the former proceedings and Journall of
Assembly it appears that considerable Sumes hath been raised
for building a Church in Annapolis but that the care and charge
of applying that money to the designed use is not settled in
any psons certaine that may at any time contract and agree with
any psons willing to undertake the building which prevents
the perfecting so noble and good a design
It is therefore recommended to yor consideration whether it
may not be adviseable to make application to his Excy his
Majts Govr of Virga in whose hands the said money remaines
that his Excy will please to cause the said money to be lodged
in some Safe hand or hands in Maryland ready to be made
use of when occasion and that you will entrust some p'son or
p'sons to receive the said money treate and agree with any
undertakers and upon such agreement and p'formeance to pay
them out of the said money as agreed for
Signed p Order W. Bladen Clk Councill

fo. 44

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 69   View pdf image (33K)
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