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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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68 Assembly Proceedings, April 26- May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

his Excy and Councill by the Honoble James Frisby and
Colll Hammond of the 3oth April last
Signed p Order
W Taylard Clk of house
of Dellegates

Drawne up into a message and
Sent by Mr Phillemon Loyd and Mr Cambell to his Excy &
They returne and Say they have delivered their message
The Bill for lessening Talbott County and constituteing a
County by the name of County
Read the 2d time
Referred to the Comittee of Laws for Amendment
Resolved that a reviewing bill be drawne for the Act for
Officers fees and the Act for Sumoning grand and Pettit Jurys
in the Severall Countys
The fowerth artickle of the reporte of the comittee of
Accots relateing to Majr Dorseys houses was agn read
Resolved if Majr Dorsey will make over an Estate Equi-
valent to such childe as the houses and lands belong to in
some other place in consideration and in Lieu thereof and will

fo. 43

alsoe well and Sufficiently cover the houses and putt them in
Tennantable repaire and then make A sure indefeazable Title
to the said houses and Lott for the use as in the said Artickle
is sett forth this house is willing to remitt his fine.
All wch this house recommends to the consideracon of the
Committee of Accots who is Empowred to treat with the said
Dorsey about the same
And a Reporte thereof they are forthwith to make to this
Soon after the Committee of Accots enters the house and
reporte as followeth

May 7th 1700
By the Committee of Accots

In Obedience to the within written order from the house
wee have called the said Majr Dorsey before us to treate with
him about the said Order who does say for himselfe that he is
very ready and willing to confirme unto such childe as have
the title to the same Lands & premises when he shall come of
age soe much lands in another place Equivolent to the same
and in Lieu thereof but he can not cover nor repaire the same
being altogeather uncapeable but is Willing to make a good
and Sure Title of and in the houses and Lotts aforesaid to the
uses aforesaid
Jacob Loockerman Junr Clk Comittee.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 68   View pdf image (33K)
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