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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 67

Petnry Bill of Thomas Tasker &c for confirmeing Land &
Church &ca
Read the 3d time and Assented to
The bill for Religion Read 3d time and Assented to
Resolved that the same Act be forthwith printed and
that one of them be orderd for every parish in the pvince
Bill for confirmeing the last Will and Testament of James
Read the first Time and orderd to be read againe in the
Bill for Speedy Tryall of Criminalls read the first time
Bill for lessening Talbot County and Constituteing a new
County &ca
Read the first time and Ordered to be read againe in the
Mr Bosman Mr Parker Majr Smallwood Capt Worthing-
ton Mr Young and Mr Beale are sent up to his Excy and
Councill with the bill for Religion
They returne and say they have delivered the bills
The house adjournes till two of the Clock in the after-

Eod Die Post Merediem
The house mett and were called over
Present as in the morning
Read a Bill for the prsent Security of the frontier Planta-
cons of this Province agt the incursions and violence of
Indians &ca

P. R. O.

Upon reading the same Objections was made against the
whole Bill
And it was Proposed by a Member of this house that
considering that his Excy had lately made a peace with the
Indians whether it were not now reasonable at this very
Juncture upon this prsent renewing the peace instantly to
withdraw the rangers intirely to lett the Indians have all
Assureance that may be that wee designe firmely to ob-
serve our promises and Expect the same from them and
give them noe occasion of diffidence to leave the forte to the
Indian's owne disposeing to doe them all right that they can
require by letting them quietly enjoy their lands to secure
the friendshipp of the Susquehannah and Easterne shoare
Indians and to renew Effectively an Order for laying out
the Choptanck Indians Lands or to go on with the Bill or
adhere to the proposalls And carried by the majority of
votes against the bill. And that this Vote of the house be
made knowne to his Excy in answer to the message from

fo. 42

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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