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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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66 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

the Tenements where the Magazine lyes most fitt for the said
powder and Armes and that the said Dorsey will rent the
said Three houses for Twelve years Space and Cover the
great house for One hundred pounds Sterling but can make
noe title to the land further than for the Term aforesaid
4 It appears to us That Whereas Mr Charles Ascomb's
Peticon is referred to us wee conceive that Colll Lowe has
proceeded against Ascomb and others according to Law but
the Law is soe sharpe that it appears to be an Agrievance to
the People wherefore we conceive it lyes in his Excys breast as
being Captn Genll in Cheife to correct the said offence.
Signed p Order Jno Darsey Clk Coul. Agr.

Which being read is by the House considered as follows
As to the first Artickle it is orderd that Majr Thomas Smith
acquainte Mr James heath his Lodp's Surveyor Genll for the
Eastern Shoare of the purporte of this agrievance and that
he is by this house required to provide depty Survey" that
Shall inhabitt in the Severall Countys to survey there and tht
such officer be provided before the first of October next
other wise this house will take the same into further consid-
Mr Carroll is desired to Signify the same to Mr Clement
hill his Lordship's Surveyor Genll for the Western shoare
The Peticon of Gerrard Sly rejected for that noe one here
appears to prosecute
It is referred till tomorrow morning for further considera-
Colll Hammond and Mr Jenkins enters the house and
The Bill for quieting diferences that may arrise betwixt
English and Indians Endorsed May 6th Read the first time
and will pass. Majr Smallwood being added according to
his Excys promise to the Indians
W Bladen Clk Councill

fo. 41

Resolved the same be added and Passed tor Engrossing
The house adjournes till tomorrow morning 9 o clock

Dies Martis 7th May 1700

The house mett and were called Over prsent as yester-
And Mr Wm Harris a Member of this house appeared
and tooke his place

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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