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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 65

And Mr Speaker is desired by the house to Answer his
Excys Letter which followeth vizt

May it please yor Excy

Your Letters sent by Colll John Addison and Thomas
Brooke Esqr relating to tobbo in hogsheads wee received
wherein we observe yor Excy is sencible of Some disadvante-
age by the great Weight of them soe that you have not the

P. R. O.

full benefitt of yor Revenue arriseing upon hogsheads of
tobbo and yett that yor Excy is pleased to have them weigh
five hundred it were very difficult how to proporcon payment
according to the particular weight of every hogshead and wee
beleiving by good Computation that hogshds not exceeding
the lawfull gauge (considering that more are under the gauge)
will not one with another Containe five hundred pounds of
Tobbo and for Preventeing future disadvantage to yor Excy
and others by the unreasonableness of casque, wee are pre-
pareing a Bill to remedy it.
Ordered that Majr Walter Smith and Mr Thoms Hicks
carry the answer to his Excy and the bill for quoting differ-
ences between the English and Indians &ca and the Ordinance
for the printeing press.
They returne and say they have delivered their Message
The Peticon of Mr Phillip Lynes recomended to this house
referred till tomorrow morning.
The Act for quoting differences that may arrise between
his Majts Subjects and the Indians.
Read the 2d time and Passed
Report of the Comitte of agrievances referred to this day
day Now Read as Follow vizt.
Ist That it appeares to this Comittee that there is Sevll Par-
rishes in the provinces that have yearly paid the 40 ppoll and
yett have noe ministers to officiate which is an aggrievance to
the people churches being allready built
2dly It appeares to us that my Lords Officers doe not take
care to appointe deputy Surveyrs in each respective Coty that
are dwellers in the said County wch wee conceive it an agriev-
ance and an Excessive charge to the inhabitants thereof
3dly It appears to us That whereas Gerrard Sly of St Marys
Countys peticon is referred to us and whereas the Comon
Law has tooke his regular course and that neither Gerrard
Sly nor any one for him has come to make appeare what is
sett forth in his peticon wee referr it to this Honoble houses

fo. 39

That according to Order of this honoble house wee have
been and viewed the house of Majr Edward Dorsey and finde

fo. 40

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 65   View pdf image (33K)
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