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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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64 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

P. R. O.

petr a Negroe to Assist him in working for him to maintayne
himselfe and his poore weake wife who is likewise ancient.
Yor Petr therefore most humbly prays yor honors and the rest
of the honoble house of Assembly out of yor great inclination
to charrity and goodness to take yor Poore Pet" condicon into
yor Serious consideration and what you shall please to allow
him shalbe put into one of yor honr hands and imployd in
Purchaseing a Servant Negroe or White to Assist him in his
declineing yeares
And yor Petr as in duty bound shall ever pray
Which Peticon being here read and considered It is orderd
Majr John Lowe be desired by the house to purchase for the
Petr a good able man Servant to be delivered him for which
it is Orderd that Majr Lowe be Sattisfied out of the next
Publick Leavy.
The house adjournes till 2 o Clock

Post Merediem
Eod Die

fo. 38

The house mett againe and were Called over
Present as in the morning
His Excy Letter by Colll Addison and Mr Brooke brought
here in the morning now read as followeth
Gent I am apt to believe you may be now towards a Con-
clusion of this Sessions and Since every body receives redress
from you I hope it will be farr from a Crime in me to hinte to
you how great a Sufferer I am in largeness and size of the
hogsheads of Tobbo you passed a Law last Sessions in which
you showed yor generosity in continueing to me the 3d and
that at fower hundred pounds each hogshead but I imagine
you did not intend it soe, neither doe I desire it less than five
hundred if I had insisted upon it it would have been at least
Two hundred pounds advanteage to me but believe me noe
Interest shall ever be prevalent or induce me to take any
advantage of those for whom I have so great a reguard if you
can adjust it without any great trouble I shall hold my selfe
oblidged if not You may Continue it upon the same foot as it
now Stands but all Mars of Shipps seem to be very uneasy
under it I doe not desire the hogsheads should be less than
the gage already established by You I am
Gent yor most humble Servt
May 6th 1700 N Blakiston

Resolved that a Bill be drawne to impose some severe pen-
alty on such persons that shall employ any Coopers to make
any caske above the gage according to Act of Assembly

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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