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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 63

The Bill for Religion &ca Read the third time and Resolved
it doe passe
The Peticonary Bill for confirmeing land to the Church in
Calvert County
Read the 3d time and will passe
The Ordinance relateing to the Collector and Navall Offi-
cer of Pottomack River sent up to his Excy and Councill by
Majr Whittington and Mr Elisha Hall
They returne and say they have delivered the same
Orderd by the house that the said following discharge be
Recorded in this Journall vizt

May 28 1699

By Virtue of an Act of Assembly of this Province in em-
powering Wm Hutchinson to buy and purchase for me the
three Negroes I doe acknowledge to have recd from the sd
Wm Hutchinson three Negroes named John Sarah and Eliza
as Wittness my hand the day and date abovesaid
Ninian Beale
Testis James Stoddard
Xopher Thompson

Mr Thomas Blake High Sherriffe of Calvert County being
brought here to answer his contempt in not forwarding the
publick pacquetts from this house
And forasmuch as the said Blake haveing noe reasonable
excuse to offer this house for such his Contempt

P. R. O.

It is Resolved that he be fined 500lbs Tobbo and Orderd that
the Comittee of Accounts deduct the same from his Sallary
and make it payable to Dan" Canning the Serjeant Attendant
for his Expedicon
A Peticon of James Baker read as followeth vizt

To the Honoble Thomas Smithson Esq Speaker to the
Honoble house of Assembly and the rest of the honoble Assem-
bly now sitting
The humble Peticon of James Baker to the Assembly

Humbly Sheweth
That yor Petitioner is a very ancient and Poore man very
infirme and Weake and hath faithfully served this honoble
house of Assembly these nine years and upwards as severall
of yor honors well know
That the last Sessions of Assembly yor honrs were charri-
tably inclined to Joyne together in Purchaseing your poore

fo. 37

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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