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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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62 Assembly Proceedings, April 26-May 9, 1700.

p. K. 0.

By his Excy the Gnvr & Councill
in Assembly May 4th 1700

This Peticon haveing been read here came the Reverend
Doctor Bray and became a Supplicant to his Excy this Board,
and the house of Dellegates on behalfe of the Petr upon
Accot of a fine Imposed upon him the last Assembly Saying
that he did not question the Justice of that Genll Assembly in
Imposeing that fine, but foras much as the said Majr Dorsey
hath a greate charge of Twelve children, he therefore pray'd
that his Excy and the Genll Assembly would extend their Char-
rity either in remitting the said fine or otherwise Excusing the
sd Majr Dorsey in the payment thereof and desired that his
mooveing herein might not be ill taken being as he hoped
agreeable to his function as a matter of Charrity: upon which
mocon of the sd Doctor Bray, this board doe recomend the
Peticon to yor Tender consideration
Singed p Order Wm Bladen
Clk Councill

Upon readeing the aforesaid peticon this house haveing
considered of what is therein recomended and
Resolved that he be referred to the Committee of Accots
this house giveing them power to call before them the said
Majr Dorsey and demand of him what proposalls he have to
make in order to discharge his fine in the Peticon menconed
and make Speedy reporte thereof to this house for their
further consideration therein
They enter the house and make reporte as follows :

Wee the Comittee of Accots in Obedience to the above sd
Order haveing called Majr Dorsey before us did demand of
him what proposalls he will make in order to discharge his
fine who for answer Saith that he hath noe manner of way

fo. 36

unless the house will take away his Servants and soe render
him and his poore family Totally incapeable of a Livelyhood
Jacob Loockerman Junr Clk

Which being read the consideration whereof is further
The Peticon of Thomas Casey of Cecill County being read
the house conceiding him to be an object of Charrity is
allowed an Annuall Pention of One Thousand pounds of
Tobbo p annum.
Col Jno Addison and Thomas Brooke Esqre enter the house
and delivers the honoble Speaker a Letter from his Excy the
consideration whereof is referred till the afternoon

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 26, 1700-May 3, 1704
Volume 24, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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